Against a backdrop of increasing public concern about the affordability future energy supplies, a public lecture about nuclear power will be hosted by IT Sligo’s School of Science next Wednesday, April 25th.
The event will be addressed by three members of Better Environment with Nuclear Energy Group – Prof. Philip Walton, Prof. Ian McAulay and Denis Duff B.E.
They will outline their perspective on the future of nuclear energy in Ireland, explaining why they believe nuclear energy should be a part of our energy mix. The lecture will include an accessible overview of the technical aspects of modern nuclear energy. Accidents in Windscale (Sellafield), Chernobyl, and Fukushima will also be reviewed.
Prof. Philip Walton was Professor of Applied Physics at NUI, Galway from 1978 – 2005 and is now Emeritus Professor. He served on the Board of the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland for seven years.
Prof. Ian McAulay has a background in health physics and has been extensively involved in measurements of radioactivity in the environment and in radiation protection. He was heavily involved in the nuclear debate thirty years ago and at that time was one of the Irish scientists trying to correct imbalances in the media coverage.
Denis Duff B.E. is a mechanical engineer currently working in the power generation sector. He has wide experience of different electrical generation systems. He was the lead engineer of an evaluation project on wind energy converters. He also commissioned a solid fuel station and is a manager at a combined cycle gas turbine station.
The lecture will take place in lecture theatre A0006 in IT Sligo’s Main Building on April 25th at 7.30pm. The event is free and open to members of the public to attend.