Photo: L - R, Sandra Stewart (secretary), Ms. Niamh Crumlish (Junior Room Teacher) and Ms. Fiona Farry (principal) with new junior infants)
It has been a busy couple of weeks in Scoil Cholmcille as our six new junior infants and new 5th class girl got settled in to the school for the first time.
The new principal Ms. Fiona Farry also commenced her new role this month, and she knows a thing or two about football – she’s from Kerry!
She has spent 17 years teaching in a wide variety of roles in a large primary school in Monaghan.
She was warmly welcomed by parents and pupils alike. (Photo: L – R, Sandra Stewart (secretary), Ms. Niamh Crumlish (Junior Room Teacher) and Ms. Fiona Farry (principal) with new junior infants).
Since then it has been a return to day to day school routine, but with a little extra excitement of preparing for the All- Ireland final! Bunting has been put up outside the school and students have been busy with artwork and of course learning “Jimmy’s Winning Matches”!!