Club Iorras: Winners for January: €50-Rose Kelly, Dunaff. €30-John Joe & Kathleen Doherty, Tiernasligo. €20-Barney Friel, Boston.
Thanks to all who support Club Iorras. If interested in joining Club Iorras or would like more information please contact John Friel, Treasurer. Cost is €20 per month (or €5 weekly). Can be payable by standing order or cash etc.
IORRAS GAA Bingo- Every Thursday night in St Mary’s Hall Clonmany at 9.00pm Come along and try your luck.
Match “N” Win January 30th: No jackpot winner-numbers drawn: 3, 5, 14 & 15. €15 winners: Damien Doherty, 19 Gaddyduff. Allan Gracie Tullagh. Angela Friel, Dunaff. Rose Doherty (Gill), Annaugh. Monica Friel, Aughrim Heights, Ballyliffin.
We would like to thank the local community and beyond for your continued support of our Lotto. Thanks, also to all Lotto Sellers.
Club Membership now due for 2014: Fees for 2014: Adult Membership: €25 Students (3rd level & in full time education with Student ID card): €15. Under-age: €3. Anyone playing football for the club must have their Membership paid up to be covered by insurance in case of injury.
Club members will also have first preference on Donegal Match tickets for the coming season.Fees must be paid in full by March 31st. Payable to John Friel, Nichola Donaghey or any Committee member.
Child Protection Course & Foundation Coaching Course: As part of the Club’s ongoing Coaching developments there will be a Child Protection (Friday 7th) & Foundation Coaching Course in the Malin GAA Clubhouse on Friday Evening 7th February & Saturday 8th February. Anyone involved with Underage teams, Coaching or would like a refresher course please contact Coaching Officer Alan Friel asap on 0879029672 or David Hession on 0860538537 so that we can book you a place. These courses will allow those interested to gain basic skills & confidence to help out with teams.
Ladies training for 2014 resumes on Sunday February 9th. Hope to see all ladies interested in playing for the Club there.Training starts at 10 am sharp.
GAA National Club Draw-€10 tickets are now available from John J Friel or any Committee member. 10 fantastic prizes including a trip to The 2014 International Rules in Australia, Trip to New York, Gaa Packages. All monies raised from these tickets are retained by CLG IORRAS/URRIS GAA . Funds raised will be used for the ongoing Clubhouse Development and for the day to day running of our club. Draw takes place on March 17th 2014.
Date for your Diary:Saturday February 15th in the Strand Hotel-Charity Dance / Buffet in aid of the new Club House. Tickets available from Committee Members.
Club Merchandise: Anyone looking for Club Merchandise for the new season ahead please contact Donal Kelly on 0876461707. A great range of Club tops,Hoodies, new training tops etc. available.
Facebook: Find us on CLG Iorras/Urris Gaa and keep up to date on all club news and fixtures plus lots of other links.
Any items of news for the Club notes should be forwarded to Rose on 0877770639 or email no later than 9 pm on Sunday night.