Christmas in the Churches – Dunkineely & Bruckless Community Carol Service – Sunday 21st December at 5pm in St. Joseph’s & St. Conal’s Church Bruckless.
All are welcome to join this celebration of the whole community from the throughout the Parish. For further information contact the DCL office on 074 9737678 / 087 3421922.
St. Joseph & St. Conal Bruckless Christmas Eve Vitial Mass 9pm, Christmas Day 11am. St. Peter’s Church of Ireland Killaghtee Sunday 21st December 8pm Carol Service followed by tea in the hall, Christmas Day 10:45am, Christmas Communion 11am.
Dunkineely Methodist Church Christmas Day 9:30am.
Christmas Lights & Santa’s Grotto – Thank you to everyone who put up the Christmas Trees and Christmas Lights around the town it looks fantastic.
DCL Office – will be closed for the Christmas Holidays for two weeks and will reopen Monday 5th January and we at DCL would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone who has taken part in a courses this year, business and everyone in the local Community a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year, thank you for supporting us in 2014.
DCL Courses in January – DCL Interior Design will run again for those on the waiting list (3 spaces still available) – 6 week course with Sile Kelly, cost €30 (part funded by the ETB Community Education Programme).
DCL Calligraphy with Janet Deane will also run for 6 weeks, cost €30 (6 spaces still available).
Please contact the DCL office on 074 9737678 / 087 3421922 if you are interested in either of these courses or would like to share with us any other course ideas we might run in the future.
Dunkineely Community Ltd (DCL) – Has a library of over 500 books from Children’s Literature, Teenage Fiction (The Fault in our stars), Classics (Jane Austen – Pride and Prejudice), Horror, Comedy, Booker-Prize etc. Rent a book from just 20c.
Come into the office weekday mornings from 9:30am – 12:30pm and use the Internet (20c per half hour) or print or photocopy documents (20c per page).