The Donegal branch of the Abortion Rights Campaign have spoken out in support of #TwoWomenTravel.
#TwoWomenTravel went viral last weekend as two women live-tweeted their journey to England to get an abortion.
This has reignited the abortion debate as people from both side of the debate shared their opinion – with even the Sydney Rose stated her feelings on the matter during her interview with Daithí Ó Sé.
Two Women Travel took pictures throughout the day, tagging Enda Kenny in each update.

A letter posted by the two women
The Donegal branch of the Abortion Rights Campaign have come out in support of the two women.
Speaking to Donegal Daily, they said; “We are delighted to see the work of these two brave women shine a spotlight on the inhumanity of the current legal situation for women in Ireland and provide an insight into the emotional, physical, psychological and economic trials faced by the 10 – 12 women a day who make this journey to a foreign country to receive vital healthcare denied them at home.”

#TwoWomenTravel posted this picture saying, “We are nearly home. Thanks to everyone for unreal support – with one glaring exception @EndaKenny”
“The outpouring of support has been immense, and rightly so. We would like to add our voices to the worldwide chorus of support and solidarity for these women and the profound political statement they have made.”
“When Donald Trump spoke recently about punishing women who have abortions it was a step too far even for his supporters and he was forced to quickly backtrack to prevent a massive political backlash. And yet that is the current, active legal situation in Ireland with people who procure an abortion within the country risking a jail term of up to 14 years.”
“Let’s think about that for a second and let it really sink in. Not even the arch-conservative, openly racist, and misogynistic Donald Trump can get away with trying to enact Ireland’s current legal stance on abortion in America.”
“It is long past time for this clear breach of human rights to end. It is long past time to stop punishing women who exert their basic human right to bodily autonomy. It is long past time to enshrine in law a trust in women to make the right decisions for themselves. It is long past time to repeal the 8th amendment.”
“We invite anyone who would like to work towards repealing the 8th to find us on Facebook at Abortion Rights Campaign Donegal and to join us on the national ‘March For Choice’ action in Dublin on September 24th.”
When the two women were on the plane home, they penned a letter for their supporters and addressing Taoiseach Enda Kenny, said “your silence speaks volumes, and the world has heard you”.
Support has poured in on Twitter for the two women.
Today, @TwoWomenTravel but you're not on your own in this. So many people are with you. X
— James Corden (@JKCorden) August 20, 2016
People please follow @TwoWomenTravel
Because there but for the grace of God goes you or I or your Irish sister, mother, niece or cousin— (((Gillian Kenny))) (@medievalgill) August 20, 2016
The real-time sacrifice of privacy is a huge thing. I admire these women but wish they didn't have to do this #twowomentravel #repealthe8th
— sarah maria griff (@griffski) August 20, 2016