Gardens full of flowers are beautiful but if you get some which kick out wonderful sweet perfumes then you’re onto a winner.
Scent can come from the foliage of plants or the flowers themselves. For foliage perfumes think of the common herbs, such as Rosemary, Wormwood, Lavender and Mint.
When these are brushed against or bruised they release an attractive aroma which fills the air. For flower perfume think of wonderful Sweet peas, Roses and Jasmines which fill the air with perfume.

Sweet Peas in Summer
But you should be aiming more clever with your ‘scent creators’, having plants which produce perfume under the midday sun is great but for most of us it’s the evening time when we kick-back and relax in the garden, so why not add in some plants which deliberately release their perfume in the evening time, for this choose the heavenly scented Night Scented Stock and the wonderful Evening Primroses.

Night Scented stock don’t waste their time producing perfume when you’re at work….the release it all when you’re there!
All these plants are suitable for growing in both pots and in the garden, and are all low maintenance plants. Just plant in good compost and then apply a handful of chicken pellets in the spring and summer or give regular feeds of Tomato food to the ones growing in pots.
Many of these aromatic plants bring another benefit to the garden, in the case of Lavender they’re helpful in keeping midges away and for others like Wormwood they help to keep Wasps away.

Aromatic Lavender in pots
For plants such as Lavender, Rosemary and other herbs now’s the time to get to your local garden centre and pick up some of these aromatic plants, and plant them into pots or borders in the garden.
For the Night Scented Stock and Evening Primrose now’s the time to start sowing these into small pots to get them growing for planting out later into the garden, you’ll get 200 plants in a pack for £2, amazing value to fill a garden with wonderful evening perfumes for all the summer drinks in the garden you’re looking forward to.