Donegal artist Bernie Wilson inspired Finn Valley College’s second year students to get creative this week during a unique new art workshop.
The Creative Engagement NAPD Project saw students developing their creativity through art under the guidance of Bernie Wilson, who is a qualified teacher and runs Art Farm classes.

Finn Valley College Creative Engagement NAPD Project. January 2019
During the two-day workshops, Bernie gave students practical strategies and techniques to help them work on their first ever Junior Cycle Visual Art CBA (classroom based assessment).
Students enjoyed working together in a group to create something ‘cool’.
The workshops gave the students a chance to be able to reflect on their own learning and a break from the formal school curriculum. Each student started working in an A5 sketchbook and will continue to work in them outside school time as well as during art class.
The programme is co-funded by the Department of Culture Heritage and the Gaeltacht, the Department of Education and Skills and the Heritage Council.