A huge number of children and families will be taking to the streets of Letterkenny this October 31st for a fun-filled fancy dress festival.
The annual Letterkenny Halloween Fest returns this October 31st with a spooktacular day of events, games, competitions and treats! Each year, ShopLK and Letterkenny CDP join forces to create a fantastic festival filled with amazing costumes, scary creatures, storytelling, prizes and more!
The festival attracts huge numbers each year from Letterkenny and beyond.

Halloween Festival Parade in Letterkenny
The Letterkenny Halloween Fest will kick off on Halloween Day from 12.30pm at the Market Centre.
At the Halloween Fest hub, young ghouls, goblins, witches and other scary creatures, can sign up for fancy-dress competitions, get their Trick or Treat Trail list and hear about all the other exciting events taking place during the day.
This year, the festival will include new events, such as the Scary Trail of Tales by Elusive, alongside annual favourites such as the storytelling sessions, Halloween Fest parade and the Trick or Treat Trail. Lots of shops will take part in the Trick or Treat Trail with treats for everyone.

Halloween Fest in Letterkenny
The President of Letterkenny Chamber, Leonard Watson, said, “We’re very excited to be working with Letterkenny CDP this year in organising this fantastic annual festival. We saw huge crowds travel from near and far last year to attend the Halloween Fest so we would love to see everyone return and bring their friends and families. We are very grateful to all the businesses that are taking part in our trick or treat trail and that are donating prizes for the festival. This year we have added some new exciting activities to the festival. We’re looking forward to seeing all the fabulous costumes on the day and we’ll be here to join in the fun.”
Children and their families can also register (for a small fee) to take part in the Fancy Dress Competitions. From 1.00pm to 3.30pm the judges will be out and about to pick out the best costumes for all age groups.
To round off the afternoon before the prizes are announced, everyone is invited to take part in the Halloween Parade at 4pm from McGettigan’s Hotel. Dancers from Pinehill Studios will lead the parade again this year and everyone is invited to join in and showcase their scary costumes.
ShopLK are running a ghost story competition again this year and are inviting children to write a story (max 150 words) starting off with “It was Halloween night…”. Entries can be emailed to admin@letterkennychamber.com or they can be put into the competition box on the day.
Check out the ShopLK Facebook page for more updates on the fest.
ShopLK is funded by Donegal County Council and Halloween Fest 2019 is being delivered in partnership with Letterkenny CDP.