Judge slams people for taking “advantage” of Covid PUP payments

September 7, 2023

A District Court Judge has said that she is not impressed by people who attempted to take advantage of the government support during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Judge Éiteáin Cunningham was speaking at Letterkenny District Court this week.

Judge Cunningham made the remarks during the case of Pawel Piechocki, who was before the court after being found to have claimed €8,750 through fraudulent Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP) claims.

Social Welfare inspector Mary Joe McGovern told how Piechocki had made an application on November 4, 2020 and stated that he had last been unemployed in October 2020.

During what was described as a ‘routine review’ in April, 2021 Social Welfare officials discovered that it appeared as if Piechocki was employed.

His employer was contacted and confirmed that Piechocki had never lost employment. Documentation was provided and Piechocki’s claim was closed.

The court heard that Piechocki obtained €8,750 fraudulently and that €7,450 was still outstanding.

Piechocki is paying back the sum of €30 per week via standing order.

Solicitor for Piechocki, Mr Patsy Gallagher, said his client was a 28-year-old father-of-one who is now separated. He said Piechocki got into a situation regarding monies owed and had difficulty with addiction, for which he had received treatment.

“It was clear that this was a road to nowhere and it was clear that he was going to be caught,” Mr Gallagher said. “It is his full intention to keep going with the repayments and he intends to repay in full.”

Judge Cunningham adjourned the case until March 5, 2024 to allow for the preparation of a probation and welfare report.

“The court, as previously indicated, deems this a very serious offence,” Judge Cunningham said. “The court is not impressed that people sought to take advantage of gestures made by the government to assist people in need during the pandemic. The court views it as a most serious offence.”