Article contributed by Gearóid Holland, West Cork
West Cork always has a variety of winter visitors on its shoreline, mostly migrant birds from far flung countries that arrive and overwinter in the area.
This year we have witnessed the now-annual arrival of 83-year-old Arranmore Islander Paddy Conaghan and his fundraising exploits as a result of his swimming.
In 2023 Paddy was awarded man of the year from World Open Water Swimming Association (WOWSA).
This is the third year that Paddy has taken to the highways and byways of Ireland, his first trip was a clockwise loop of the country where he swam at numerous swimming spots throughout the country.
In 2023 he once again helped raise the profile of several charities, Lisheens House, RNLI, PIPS suicide prevention and Accessible Counselling in Tullamore. That time it was an anti-clockwise trip where he seemed to swim at nearly every cove on his route.
For 2024 there is a change in his agenda, he has taken to the lakes, often traversing near hostile ground to climb to the nominated lake.

Paddy Conaghan arriving at Lough Hyne
On his visit to Lough Hyne near Skibbereen, Ireland’s first nature reserve, he parked in the adjacent car park and 6 metres later, he climbed over the sea wall and stood for a moment before diving headlong into the water. He was joined by many hardy souls, people from Skibbereen and surrounding area, Glandore, Clonakilty and Kilbrittain joined him into the water to support his endeavours.
Once out of the water and dried off, offers of lunch from the attending ladies abounded. He sat down at the picnic benches and availed of a hot meal.

Paddy exits the Lough

Paddy with Donegal native, Bernadette Gallagher.
Amongst those that turned out to support him in Skibbereen was Susan Nicholson, Kilbrittain, who swam with Paddy on several occasions in West Cork and Kerry in 2023. Burtonport native Bernadette Gallagher, now domiciled near Macroom also called to meet up with Paddy again. John Kelly, an old friend of Paddy’s was at hand with his bagpipes and the clear notes was amplified over the still water and the crowd applauded his prowess.

Paddy and John Kelly

Paddy showing off his tee shirt

Paddy advertising the cause
This year, Paddy’s chosen beneficiary is The Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association, donations can be made online at:
Paddy’s further adventures can be followed on his Facebook page at