Letterkenny-based Cór Ailigh has been invited to sing as Gaeilge at the 12 noon mass in St Peter’s Basilica on Saturday June 1st as part of its tour to Rome.
It will also perform at the 10am mass in the Irish College on Sunday June 2nd.
Speaking to Donegal Daily, co-ordinator Micheál Ó Giobúin described the tour as a wonderful opportunity and a tremendous honour for the members of Cór Ailigh.
“St Peter’s Basilica is the spiritual heart of the catholic tradition and singing at mass there is really the ‘holy grail’ for church choirs,” he said.
“It’s also a real privilege to sing in the historical Irish College which was founded in 1628.”
Mr Ó Giobúin described Cór Ailigh as being one big close knit family. The members are passionate about singing and enjoy contributing to the celebration of the monthly 10am Irish mass in St Eunan’s Cathedral. The choir has been together for twenty three years and the invitations to sing at masses in St Peter’s Basilica and the Irish College are seen as recognition for its contribution to the celebration of the Irish masses in St Eunan’s Cathedral and other liturgical services throughout the year.
Over the past number of years, the choir has sung in other churches around the county. More recently it helped to celebrate mass in St Mary’s Star of the Sea Church in Annagry and St Crones Church on Arranmore island.
Mr Ó Giobúin paid tribute to Monsignor Kevin Gillespie for securing the invitations for the all Irish choir.
“He has been a great source of encouragement and support for us since he arrived in St Eunan’s Cathedral. He has a true grá for the Irish language,” he said.
“The choir looks forward to meeting with Monsignor Eamonn Mc Laughlin who will be one of our hosts whilst in Rome. He has recently been appointed by Pope Francis to the position of adjunct under-secretary of the Formation Office of the Dicastery for the Clergy.”

Micheál Ó Giobúin presents a gift on behalf of Cór Ailigh to an tAthair Caoimhin Mac Giolla Easpaig, as a mark of appreciation for his contribution ton their tour to St Peter’s Basilica and the Irish College in Rome. Also included is Cór Ailigh’s musical director Anne Nicholls and choir member Gavin Burke.
Mr Ó Giobúin also thanked Cór Ailigh’s musical director, Anne Nicholls, for the dedication, professional guidance and support that she has given the choir since taking up the role. She will be ably assisted on the tour by Bridghín Carr (organ/keyboard) Martin McGinley (Fiddle) and Aoife Shiels (Tin Whistle). Mr Ó Giobúin acknowledged the input of former musical directors, namely Úna Ní Bhriain and Frank Breslin.
The choir would like to thank Donna Bianconi for organising a welcome for them. Donna is a former resident of Letterkenny who’s family used to run the Dolphin Café on the town’s Main Street. She now resides in Rome and run’s a number of successful businesses there including the Druid’s Den.
Message from Fr Gillespie; “I wish the members of Cór Ailigh every blessing as they travel to Rome and participate in Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica on Saturday 1st June. Cór Ailigh has brought the beauty of liturgical music in the Irish language faithfully to Aifreann na Gaeilge at St. Eunan’s Cathedral each first Sunday of the month at 10am. They will now have the opportunity to sing the praises of God at St. Peter’s, expressing our union in faith and love with Pope Francis and honouring St. Peter whose tomb is there. They will join with the Irish community in Rome at the Irish College for Sunday Mass, the place that has formed a visible link between the Church in Ireland and the Eternal City over the course of four centuries. I wish them every blessing and a profound experience of the universal Church that is found unique in Rome.”