Donegal volunteers who are bringing their advanced first aid skills to rural areas will be featured on tonight’s RTE Nationwide programme.
The show heads to Newtowncunningham, where presenter Donal Byrne meets a group of dedicated Community First Responders.
Tonight’s Nationwide places a special focus on health care in rural Ireland.
Medical emergencies can happen anytime and anywhere, but they present particular challenges in remote or rural areas – when help can be some distance away.
This is when Community First Responders, trained in advanced first aid, may often make a life-saving difference.
There are now some 160 groups of responders around the country, with over 3,000 volunteers. So vital is their work, the National Ambulance Service would like to see even more groups established.
Watch Nationwide on RTE One at 7pm.

RTE Nationwide: Monday 8th July
RTE One 7pm