November 12, 2012

GARDAI have launched a crackdown on ‘L’ drivers on Donegal’s roads driving without qualified motorists.

A number of young men appeared at Letterkenny District Court today charged with driving without a full licence.

Judge Denis McLoughlin issued fines in several cases today.

In one – involving a man from Termon – Garda Inspector Michael Harrison said the defendant had been accompanied by another driver when stopped by a Garda patrol, but that driver also had a provisional licence.

The motorist was also found to have had no NCT and no tax.

In another case a €100 fine was issued to a student who had since passed his test.

The cases today are the latest before local courts following a crackdown on young motorists driving without full licences.

Gardai suspect hundreds of motorists are using Donegal’s roads every day without full licences.

A clampdown on certain dates in March and April this year found almost half of ‘L’ drivers were on the roads here without an experienced motorist.

Assistant Garda Commissioner John O’Mahoney said at the time that the Garda would continue to focus on learner drivers to ensure greater compliance.

“We especially wish to remind all learner permit-holders of their legal obligations with regard to displaying L-plates, being accompanied by qualified drivers at all times and motorway restrictions,” he said.

“Driving is a skill which must be practised to improve that skill. As a learner you are doing exactly that – learning to drive.”

