New Fine Gael Senator for Donegal Nikki Bradley has said that the defective concrete blocks crisis will be among her key priorities in Seanad Éireann.
Ms Bradley was formally appointed as Taoiseach Simon Harris’ nominee yesterday. The Milford disability advocate will take over the position from Regina Doherty, who was elected to the European Parliament.
As a Donegal native, Ms Bradley said she plans to lobby for the people of Donegal and the wider community affected by the devastation caused by defective blocks.
Speaking on her position, Ms Bradley said: “I plan to raise the issue of Defective Blocks in the Seanad as I have seen firsthand the devastation this has caused to the people of Donegal. More work needs to be done in this area and I hope to make some leeway with that.”
Ms Bradley, who survived a rare form of bone cancer as a teen, has lived with a disability for over 15 years. Her lived experience as a crutch user, and more recently as an amputee, has given Nikki invaluable insight and knowledge that she will use during her time as a senator to push for a better quality of life for others in Ireland.
“I am honoured to have received the Taoiseach’s nomination and will use my time in the Seanad to lobby on behalf of those living with disabilities. Having lived experience gives me the unique opportunity to truly understand the difficulties people with reduced mobility face on a daily basis,” she said.
Encouraging young people to use their vote is another area Nikki will focus on during her time in the Seanad. She was invited to the European Parliament in Strasbourg in December 2023 and to Brussels in February 2024 where she was given the opportunity to meet with various MEPs on this matter.
“I want to encourage more young people to use their vote. More education is needed in this area, and I hope to be heavily involved in that,” she said.