‘Love Yourself’ is the message from the HSE Stop Smoking Service this Valentine’s Day.
Today is also National No Smoking Day, encouraging tobacco users to quit smoking and to get help and support from a trained professional to do so.
There is now 12 weeks FREE Nicotine Replacement Therapies e.g. patches, gum, mouthspray etc to anyone who joins the service to quit smoking which will greatly increase your chances of quitting successfully. The HSE Stop Smoking Service is here to help with free one-to-one support and advice.
There are now 17 Stop Smoking clinics in various locations throughout Donegal and for anyone who may find it difficult to attend these face to face clinics we can discuss options of on-line or telephone support.
The increase in clinic locations ensures that stop smoking supports are widely available to everyone and by using one to one support and appropriate Nicotine Replacement medication clients are quadrupling their chances of quitting successfully.
Marion who has successfully quit for over a year using the HSE Stop Smoking Service says ’give it a go, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, better health, more control and a better pocket’.
To find out more about the service or to make an appointment to see one of our friendly Stop Smoking Advisors, please contact any of the following phone numbers/ email addresses or you can click on the following link and input your details https://surveys.hse.ie/s/HE5XIQ/ and your local Stop Smoking Advisor will get in touch with you.
To contact the Donegal Stop Smoking Service – Tel: 0749104693 or email stopsmokingdonegal@hse.ie