In a vibrant display of colour and energy, one hundred enthusiastic runners braved the Gairmscoil Chú Uladh Colour Run on Tuesday.
The run was organised by the Coiste Sláinte of G.C.U. in conjunction with both the ‘Healthy Promoting Schools’ and the school Physical Education Department.
Seaghan Mac Cormaic a 5th year student at Gairmscoil Chú Uladh took the honours closely followed by 2nd year students Seaghán Ó Baoill and Shay Ó Deoráin. First year pupil Erin Nic Fhionntaigh was the first girl over the line followed by Íosold Ní Mhaonaigh. (See below for the full results)
The Senior Mens competition was very much a community affair with School Caretaker Kevin Mac Daibhidh first over the line making this his third win in a row.
The school extends a buíochas mór to Herbie and Teresa @ Northwest Chip Timing for an excellent job as always, Get Fresh catering for sponsoring the refreshments and Fintown Harps who kindly sponsored the paint on the day. Go dtí an bliain seo chugainn!

Gaeltacht Láir- GCU Colour run
Bhí lá ar dóigh ag an 100 luthcleasaí diográiseach a ghlac pháirt in san Rás Ildaite Dé Máirt 14ú thart timpeall Bhéal an Átha Mhóir. Eagraíodh an Rás Ildáite ag an Choiste Slainte de Ghairmscoil Chú Uladh mar pháirt den chlár ‘Healthy Promoting Schools’ i gcomhpháirtíocht le rannóg Corpoideachais na scoile.
Tháinig dalta 5ú bliana Seaghan Mac Cormaic sa chéad áit le scoláirí na 2ú bliana Seaghán Ó Baoill agus Shay Ó Deoráin ag tógáil 2ú agus 3ú áit ar an phóidiam. Tháinig dalta na 1ú bliana Erin Nic Fhionntaigh sa chéad áit le Íosold Ní Mhaonaigh congárach di sa 2ú háit.
Tháinig airíoch na scoile Kevin Nic Daibhidh sa 1ú áit In san Comórtas sinsearacha rud a chiallaíonn gur seo an triú rás as a chéile 5k bainte ag Kevin.
Buíochas mór le Herbie + Teresa ó Northwest Chip timing don jab iontach, Get Fresh as an urraíocht ar na sólaistí agus Cláirsigh Bhaile na Finne a thug urraíocht don phéint úsáidte ar an lá.
Ní neart go cur le chéile.