Young Buncrana man to stand trial after batch of drugs found at home

February 9, 2024

A young Buncrana man after a consignment of various drugs were allegedly found at his home.

Patrick McNamee of Burwood, Buncrana appeared at Buncrana District Court.

He face six charges under the Misuse of Drugs Act for the possession and sale and supply of cannabis, cocaine and MDMA (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine).

The 26-year-old did not speak during the short appearance.

No value or quantity for the drugs found was given in court.

The alleged incident happened at his home at Burwood, Buncrana on March 25th, 2021.

Garda Shevlin gave details of serving a book of evidence on the accused.

Judge Éiteáin Cunningham sent the accused forward for trial to the next sitting of Letterkenny Circuit Court beginning on March 26th next and also read him the alibi warning.

McNamee’s solicitor, Mr Frank Dorrian, requested one counsel which was granted.

He was released on continuing bail.